Jan 24, 2023Trip Preparations - Day 3"DAY 3 I almost forgot about one of the most important ingredients for every successful journey! Mana, mana and one more time, mana! What...
Jan 15, 2023Trip Preparations - Day 2"DAY 2 Sadly I can’t take my workshop with me so I had to get some substitutes for my tools. I went to Orgrimmar where Rogg had his local...
Jan 7, 2023Trip Preparations - Day 1"DAY 1 It's time to start some preparations! Today I was in Crossroads to get myself a bigger backpack since it turned out my old one...
Apr 21, 2020Back For MoreWhen you become allies, you look at certain things from a different perspective.
Sep 5, 2018Storyteller When you're isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years, every opportunity of hearing stories from outsiders is golden.
Jul 17, 2018Learning The CultureWhen you are new to the family, you have to gain their trust... and have a little fun!